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Protecting Your Art: Intellectual Property Rights for Musicians

Whisper Room
June 2024
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Being a professional musician or producer is a multifaceted career path. You're not just performing, but also carefully strategizing ways to create and maintain a business. Indeed, just like other entrepreneurs, you'll need to find ways to mitigate risks. Alongside protecting your hearing, physical health, and reputation, you’ll need to minimize the potential for your work to be stolen or misused.

Your intellectual property is probably your most valuable asset. It’s key to making both active and passive income, while also being the most direct communication of your unique talent and perspectives. To avoid theft and misuse affecting your career, you must take careful and decisive action.

Staying On Top of Copyrighting

The most common and legally enforceable way to protect your intellectual property is through copyrighting. Technically speaking, you own the copyright to your work as soon as you create it in a tangible medium. This may be in an audio recording or via written lyrics and musical notation. These materials can also be either physical or digital.

However, while you hold the copyright from the moment of creation, you certainly benefit from officially registering it. This creates a tangible record of your copyright, which can make it easier to prove should you need to enforce your rights. Works created in the U.S. need to be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office before an infringement lawsuit is brought. The earlier you do this, the stronger your case is likely to be.

Learn the basics of music copyright from John Ferrell, Esq.

Another element that helps you stay on top of your copyright is accurate record-keeping. This isn’t just about the paperwork related to registering the work. You should also hold dated documentation for every stage of the creation process. This can help address disputes related to plagiarism.

Adopting a reliable record management system can keep everything organized and legally compliant. Digital management platforms, like cloud storage and even personal servers, can be particularly useful. Firstly, you can easily search for records should you need to refer to them. Many platforms will also have robust security against theft or tampering. Importantly, from a copyright perspective, most systems automatically date and time stamp your records, enabling you to have definitive proof of creation.

Licensing Your Work

Licensing your music is an increasingly accessible way to gain a passive income and turn your music into a business opportunity. Importantly, it can also be an effective method for protecting your intellectual property rights.

This is because by making licensing agreements, you’re granting permission for certain types of commercial use to a third party. Indeed, if you sign with a publisher, they will often actively seek out external licensors on your behalf. This is good because these licensing organizations have a stake in protecting your assets as they also make money from them. As a result, they will often play a role in tracking where uses and misuse of your work occur. Some of the licensing routes you can take include:

Publishers: Publishers will represent the songwriting aspects of your music. They collect mechanical royalties related to physical sales, performance royalties for covers, and sync royalties from licensing to TV shows and movies. As a result, they keep records of use across a variety of media.

Performing rights organizations: Performing rights organizations (PROs) — SESAC, ASCAP, and BMI — help ensure your intellectual property is protected from unauthorized and unpaid use by businesses that play music on their premises. Companies pay a fee to these organizations each year and record which songs they’ve played. The PROs then distribute a portion of the fees to relevant songwriters.

Musician sitting at a laptop, signing licensing agreements to secure the commercial use of their music.

While licensing is a powerful tool, you’ll still need to keep on top of your admin concerning it. For instance, bad bookkeeping practices could have a variety of financial and legal consequences. Unless you keep financial records up-to-date, you might overlook revenue owed to you by licensing organizations or even make tax errors that could be costly.

It can also affect decision-making to pursue lawsuits if you can’t see whether or not you’ve received income from an organization. Therefore, it can be wise to utilize either an external accountant or bookkeeping software to keep track of where your licensing funds are coming from.

Actively Asserting Rights

We’ve touched on the fact that copyright law grants you rights at the moment of creation. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be a passive owner of your intellectual property. While copyright, unlike trademarks, isn’t weakened if you don’t address infringements, not acting on breaches can send an unhelpful message. Not to mention that if you let one breach slide and seek to litigate another, you may find it more difficult to pursue your case.

This requires a certain amount of vigilance. It’s somewhat less likely that your work will be used without your permission on big movies or TV shows; they often have the budget to license. Rather, threats can be more common in digital domains. Make sure that you are identified as the copyright owner of recordings on platforms such as YouTube and Spotify. If people attempt to use your tracks on their content or channels, you’ll generally receive notifications. Importantly, act on these.

In cases of plagiarism, you’ll need to issue cease and desist notices. Standard forms of these are available online. However, if this doesn’t have positive results, it’s wise to take the matter further. Usually, cases that are likely to involve less than $30,000 in damages can take the more streamlined and cost-effective route of electronically filing with the Copyright Claims Board. Serious breaches, though, are best handled by an experienced intellectual property lawyer to be pursued through the federal courts.


Protecting your intellectual property rights safeguards your valuable assets and sources of income. It should involve various actions, from registering copyrights to actively addressing breaches. Taking these steps may sound involved and exhausting. Nevertheless, putting these protective systems in place before breaches occur can help lighten the load.

The WhisperRoom Experience

“As a result of the broadcast quality output I get from my vocal booth, I am now represented by four Talent Agents and I have produced three Audiobooks available on Audible. Lastly, and most exciting I was selected by Marvel's Audiobook Drama Director to be the voice of Nick Fury Jr.”

Art Dent - Voice Actor, arthurdentvoiceacting.com
Voice Actor
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“My WhisperRoom is a great solution for practicing both acoustic and amplified instruments in my home, without driving other occupants out of the house. The sound response inside is neutral and perfect for recording, and with my small reference monitors, is also great for mixing and editing.

The modular construction made it easy to set up and configure exactly how I wanted my space. The lighting kit, ventilation, and optional window make it very comfortable even in the 6x6 foot room.”

Chris L. - Multi-instrumentalist, NVHMusic
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“I use my whisper room for my private practice audiology clinic. It works perfectly and saved me thousands. Customer service was great!”

Dr. Joni Ruiz - Audiologist, Big Thicket Hearing Aids & Audiology
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“WhisperRoom makes the very best in sound isolation enclosures. We’ve purchased 3 in the past couple of years and will be buying more. Love this product!”

Steve Burrington - Owner & Operations Director, Texas Hearing Clinic
Owner & Operations Director
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“Great experience with WhisperRoom…I’ve been told by multiple people it’s the nicest hearing booth they have ever been in! Would highly recommend!”

Jaclyn Charie - Au. D., Owner & Audiologist, Hearing AuD
Au. D., Owner & Audiologist
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“I bought a WhisperRoom in November. I just opened my practice and wanted a good reliable room for audiologic testing. It came on a pallet and with a friend’s help, we moved it from the pallet to my clinic space. We then built it in about 4.5 hours. I love using this WhisperRoom, it suits my needs perfectly.”

Liz White - Au. D., Owner & Audiologist, Harbor City Hearing Solutions
Au. D., Owner & Audiologist
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“Awesome product. Our patients love the roominess and comfort they feel when using our WhisperRoom booths.”

David Brooks - RHIP,
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“Everything is great! We received the WhisperRoom about a week after placing the order and I put it together myself. I’m loving it and use it almost daily as my home office/studio.”

Adam Mast - Audio & Video Services, Mast Productions
Audio & Video Services
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“An epic WhisperRoom has just been assembled at The Guitar Store at Quimper Sound Records!!! 🤘🔥🔥We still have some finishing touches to make this kickass sound booth perfect! It’s time to set up a demo at The Guitar Store.”

Quimper Sound Records and Guitars
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“Incredibly satisfied! My WhisperRoom vocal booth is revolutionizing my workflow and really impressing my recording clients. And delivery and assembly went very smooth. 10/10 would recommend.”

Zachary Manno - Producer - Engineer - Musician, zacharymanno.com
Producer - Engineer - Musician
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“I recently became a full-time voice actor and the WR is the ‘heart’ of my home studio. I’m in it every single weekday and I simply could not do my work as effectively without it. I have to tell you, the more I use my WR, the more I absolutely love it!”

Todd Stark - Voice Actor, starkvo.com
Voice Actor
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“I never thought a fuzzy big box could be sexy, but it is. It truly cuts out all of the ambient noise that is a must for clean, studio-quality vocals. This is truly the #GoldBar standard in audio recordings. Extremely well built (like a tank) and with the wheel package, I’m able to easily move it around…

A lot of engineering went into this system and I’m extremely proud to own such a coveted, iconic, and industry-standard product, that yells, “Professional” to which, no one can hear me outside of it because of the supreme sound isolation properties that the WhisperRoom has provided. Thank You WhisperRoom for creating this”

Glen - Voice Actor, iglen.com
Voice Actor
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“I’m a musician that lived in a free-standing house for 25 years. When we moved into our current house, with shared walls, all of a sudden I could no longer play at any hour. My neighbors made that very clear!

Thank goodness for the WhisperRoom! Now I’m just getting started at midnight and no one minds a bit. I’m thrilled! The quality of this item is excellent.”

Jay Friedman - Trombonist & Conductor, jayfriedman.net
Trombonist & Conductor
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“Our WhisperRoom has been a great addition to our school! Offering private music lessons to all ages and levels.”

SoCal Jazz Academy
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“Have you ever heard of a recording studio in a library? Sounds like an oxymoron, right? It’s not though, thanks to our incredible WhisperRoom. It keeps all the good vibes inside so that lovely library atmosphere is preserved. Genius!”

New Orleans Public Library - Best Buy Teen Tech Center,
Best Buy Teen Tech Center
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“This WhisperRoom allows me to have the dedicated, professional home studio space of my dreams without interrupting the entire house.

Before the WhisperRoom, I had to schedule time away for the family and work on productions during specific windows of time.

Now I can work on client productions and my own music 24x7x365. With less than 30dB of room noise even with the AC and computers on, production quality has increased and so has creative output! Thanks, WhisperRoom, for having such amazing products.”

Mattimus - Artist - Studio Engineer - Producer
Artist - Studio Engineer - Producer
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“The 4x6 double-wall WhisperRoom is my personal padded cell where I can experiment with tone day and night without disturbing anyone.”

Tom Northnagle - aka ‘Guitar Tom’
aka ‘Guitar Tom’
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“There is no upgrade quite as substantial as a WhisperRoom. A great booth with high-quality Auralex treatment and I’m cooking with fire. Thanks. I love your products.”

Mark Hauswirth - Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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“I’m so excited to finally have my WhisperRoom…looking forward to hours of practice.”

Antonio Hart - Jazz Saxophonist, antoniohartmusic.com
Jazz Saxophonist
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“The WhisperRoom is used as a testing booth for neurophysiological recordings. Inside, participants complete computerized assessments while their brain physiology is passively recorded using an electroencephalogram (EEG)…It has turned out to be a great solution for us!”

James R Houston - Ph.D. Department of Psychology | MTSU
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“Our WhisperRoom is part of what we call the PodLab. The PodLab is a state of art podcasting studio for the students at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where we’re training the next generation of professional podcasters.”

Will Davis - Award-Winning Instructor, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Award-Winning Instructor
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“With the help of this bad boy, I am finally feeling comfortable singing full-voice in my apartment. In other words, I’m finally practicing again 🖤🖤 It’s been exactly one week since I’ve had it and already my growl is feeling better than it’s ever been 😄😈🤘”

Michele Whitlow - Singer - Songwriter - Musician, michelewhitlow.net
Singer - Songwriter - Musician
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“My radio and digital production students have really enjoyed the WhisperRoom booth (and use it often)! Even in the middle of an active classroom, students are able to record in a nearly silent environment. As for the construction of the booth: under teacher supervision, we had the kids assemble it. Talk about great practical experience!”

Mike Hatch - Radio/Digital Technology I & II, Prosper High School
Radio/Digital Technology I & II
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“The WhisperRoom has transformed our tiny studio into such a functional space. It is such a versatile feature and is used for tracking drums, vocals, guitars, and has even been used for strings, brass, and woodwind instruments. We also recently started using the space to record podcasts too! The WhisperRoom has forever evolved the way that we create content at RPRC!”

Kyle Therrien - President - Producer - Engineer, RPRC, Railroad Park Recording Co.
President - Producer - Engineer, RPRC
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“I’m starting to fall in love. With this setup I can now let out every song idea I’ve been holding onto for years - uninterrupted...”

Muyinza - Artist & Producer
Artist & Producer
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“My WhisperRoom is one of the best investments I’ve made that launched my voiceover career and recording studio business to a higher level!”

Jorge Infante - Voice Actor, jorgeinfante.com
Voice Actor
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“I've had a WhisperRoom (7x7) up and running for about a year now. It easily contains my drums and a mixing rack (single bass, double pedal, 7-piece). It reduces the sound enough to prevent disturbing everyone in the house and at my neighbor's house (only a few feet away)...The experience with the company was wonderful…It's nice to go into a dedicated, professional space and practice or record almost any time of the day or night.”

Kevin Thomason - Drummer
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“It works spectacularly! My clients like the clean voice tracks I'm now able to send, and I like the fact that I can jump and perform voice work without having to shut down all my noisy equipment. Thank you for manufacturing such a fine product!”

Jeff Berlin, KISS 108 Radio
Boston, MA
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