WhisperRoom™ is a proud sponsor of the podcast Recording Studio Rockstars. In each episode, Lij Shaw interviews music producers, engineers, studio owners, and other professionals to bring you inspiring stories, tricks, and insight from the recording industry.
You can listen to the entire podcast archive of Recording Studio Rockstars here or from your favorite podcast app.
RSR Episode #233: Evan Bakke chats about recording Prince at Paisley Park and engineering at Power Station NE
In this episode of Recording Studio Rockstars, Evan Bakke breaks down his vocal chain for Prince at Paisley Park, how to take session notes like a pro, organize your Pro Tools sessions, and shares some mixing tips for your next session.
Listen to the full episode here or stream it in the video below!
Recording Studio Rockstars - Episode #233 - Evan Bakke
Who is Evan Bakke?
Evan Bakke is the Chief Engineer at Power Station New England in Waterford, Connecticut. Originally from Minneapolis, Evan started working under producers Matt Kirkwold and James "Fluff" Harley at MasterMix studios and the Boiler Room. Evan also spent time partnering on many projects with Producer/Mixer Jeremy Tappero at PoundSound in St. Paul.

In 2009, Evan spent a couple of years in La Paz, Bolivia and built a recording studio in Che Geuvara's old house. Shortly after that, he moved back to Minneapolis to work as Prince's personal recording engineer in 2013-2014. Most recently in 2015, Evan and his wife moved to Connecticut to become the chief engineer at Power Station, NE.